This is a short introduction to Samplaism & Demodernism and is dedicated to all the Mrs. Consumers & Mr. Homeowners out there! It was written in 1994, at the Technical University of Eindhoven 4 the course "Architectuur en Woningbouw 7U220" of Huub Smulders & Jan Thijs Boekholt - peace out! Special shout out 2 the LAVA-crew, MC Maurer, Gerard van Zeijl, Pieter-Jan Gijsberts, Bert Dirrix, Tom Double-man, Sjef van Hoof, Lex Kerssemakers and Robert Oxman. To Marieke for all her patience, falling asleep in front of the TV while we worked 'till dawn. ;-) c ya Tom Frantzen & Marc van Grootel Welcome the three new -Isms in Art! vive Mc ! vive SAMPLAISM ! vive DEMODERNISM !


Chapter 1: Mr. Homeowner & Mrs. Consumer
Chapter 2: Federal interference?
Chapter 3: Levitt and Sons en de T-Ford
Chapter 4: The Suburban succes
Chapter 5: The Suburban flop sucks!
Chapter 6: The Working Man's Reward
Chapter 7: De Pattern Language van Christopher Alexander
Chapter 8: Patterns
Chapter 9: sCrapbook
 Appendix: Afbeeldingen